Who are you REALLY buying from?

Consumers are bombarded with product advertising from every angle, so it’s no wonder that buying has become complicated and confusing.

Email offers or Ads constantly popping up through Google, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any other search engines and social media sites. Every opportunity to advertise to you or catch your attention will be used by individual companies to get their items seen and bought. This isn’t always a bad thing!

But let’s not forget gigantic third-party on-line sites who facilitate millions of products being sold on their platform by anyone who sets up an account with them. Some can be faceless storefronts by middle parties.

So how do consumers navigate the cyber waters?

How do you know who you are REALLY buying from on the internet when sellers don’t show you anything about who they are?

With all the variables, can you trust a faceless seller? How do you have confidence that you will get the quality you think you are buying or if you are being given misleading product info?

You would have to be living under a rock if you didn’t know that it has always been buyer beware. But even savvy consumers who do their research thinking they have navigated all purchasing pitfalls, have hit the buy button to a faceless seller when they shouldn’t have.

 Is it even possible to guarantee the origin of where a product is coming from or how it is made?

We know it is possible! Our advice to consumers is to stick to a company who shows you their real face and give you their company name and address. A company who shows they are proud of their product integrity and is transparent by telling you who they are. A company who takes the added steps of certifying their unique products.

When buying down and feather filled products made right here at home in Canada or buying over the internet, consumers can trust our DOWNMARK® certified members who manufacture their own quality unique items .

Look for the DOWNMARK® certification label sewn into every product and know that it meets or exceeds our non-profit organizations quality specifications plus all government guidelines.  Our manufacturers are proud of the items they sell and don’t mind showing you their face, telling you who they are and how you can find them after the purchase! What a novel idea eh?

US Thanksgiving and tempting Black Friday sales are right around the corner. We urge consumers to do your due diligence. Research who you are buying from and be certain of getting what you pay for. Trust that there are quality companies out there whom you can buy certified products from with your hard-earned money!

Surf the net as much as you want and by all means we want you to do your research. But we encourage you to hit the buy button for products you can trust. Local companies and Canadian-made because you can have confidence in DOWNMARK® certified products, and because they tell you the origin of the product or how it is finished. They will always answer questions and have easily accessed customer care!

Visit our member company website page to help you decide on what is best for you and your purchase.