What was true back then.... is still true now!

Continuing our story about the first companies who banded together to form our association in 1976….

You need to know they joined forces with the goal of coming together as an industry to protect:

  • Protect Canadian consumers against conflicting information

  • Protect Canadian companies’ reputations in the growing marketplace

  • Protect Canadian products which were held to higher government regulations and standards than some other countries.

Imports were just beginning to have a presence on store shelves and imported products didn’t always have to have the same standards that the Canadian Government demanded of products manufactured in our own country.

How was the consumer supposed to know that?

That’s why the founding companies in our association began to educate the consumer and advertise how good Canadian made products were.

This ad from the 1980’s was true back then and it is still true today:

  • Down is still nature’s best insulator as a product fill.

  • Canadian made is still quality.

  • DOWNMARK® Certified products are still held to these standards & even more stringent additional criteria today.