Climate Change

I think it’s safe to say that we all want to be helping our planet in some way around climate change.

Did you know that choosing down and feather natural fillings for inside your finished products is one way you can do that?

The IDFB commissioned a white paper on the life cycle of down natural material versus polyester.

This Life Cycle Assessment was conducted by Long Trail Sustainability (LTS), an independent third-party specializing in product-based environmental analysis reports.

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) provides an accurate picture of the true environmental trade-offs in product selection.

By analyzing the impacts throughout a product life cycle, you will gain a comprehensive view of the product and processes, an understanding of where improvements can be made and validity in your sustainability measures. It is your first step in the sustainability journey.

In respect to climate change, measured in kg CO2 equivalent, it combines the effect of the periods of time that the various greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere and their relative effectiveness in absorbing outgoing infrared radiation.

The result is that down material has a 92% lower impact than polyester does when it comes to climate change.

That’s a great outcome when you choose to purchase down filled products, because you also get to choose putting our planet first.

See for the full Life Cycle Assessment paper if you want to read about other results.

Watch this short video to learn more